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Writer's pictureJennifer Kahtz

How to Humanize Your Communication without Coming Across as Weird

I once wrote a very personal story about the passing of my father and shared it in my marketing. More than 30 people reached out with texts, personal emails, and on Facebook. Many people shared their own personal experiences about the death of their parents. The piece connected deeply to them.

I’ve found that vulnerable emails often get the most engagement because they create a connection. Even though my intention was to share my experience, this indirectly generated visibility that lead to business opportunities! People do respond when we connect in a human way. Business generates when we're not trying.

You might be wondering how to bridge the personal and business in your marketing.

A mentor once told me that the personal element is who you are and how you connect. The business element is how you contribute to the world.

When I heard that, I immediately realized that integrating both elements is beneficial. From my experience, I have learned that integrating your personal life into your business - if done right - can be powerful. It’s powerful because people really appreciate your human side.

If you’re always teaching rote concepts, how are you truly connecting with others?

You can learn to write personally in a powerful way.

Writing personal articles is a skill. If it isn’t done right, it can become a risk. I’ve outlined a few of my best tips below. I hope they will help you if you decide to try this approach in your own marketing.

  • Write from your sensory brain first. Allow your audience to feel the emotions in your words. Later, you can go back and edit with your logical brain.

  • Show, don’t tell. Showing is proven to be more captivating than telling and it keeps your audience engaged. Showing (a.k.a. experiential writing) also creates an emotional connection for your reader.

  • It can turn risky if you come across as a victim. Write from your positive place.

  • Avoid venting for the sake of venting. Always share an insight you gained from the personal experience. Remember, it still needs to add value.

This type of writing/marketing is a new paradigm. Amidst all of the noise, traditional methods don't seem to be as effective as they once were.

Today, we’re living in a different landscape and to really get noticed among your competitors, you'll want to come across as human, too.

You'll want to be original and human - to be your true self - because no one can copy YOU.

Here’s the bottom line: If you find yourself stifled and unsure of how to write personally while staying on target with your business goals, remember that the personal element is who you are and how you connect. The business element is how you contribute to the world. To stay competitive in this new landscape, you’ll want to integrate both.

PS. If you would like a complementary audit and want to learn how to write content that drives the conversions and results you want, email me at for a complimentary evaluation.

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